Every preacher wants people to remember what they said. Too often, they don’t.
Anyone who has preached knows how much work goes into a 30-45 minute sermon. Most people in the congregation are not aware of how much prayer, thought, study, writing, re-writing, editing and practice goes into preparing a sermon. But pastors know and they want all this work to make an impact and be remembered. Unfortunately, too often people forget what the preacher said before they even get to their cars.
The Most Inefficient Way of Communicating
This is understandable, because from a learning and retention perspective, typical preaching is the most inefficient and ineffective way of communicating – one person talking while everyone else is listening. Yet, this is what is done, Sunday after Sunday in church after church.
There is a better way. The creative use of good church presentation software, like Risen Media, increases the likelihood that what you preached connects and is remembered. Why? Because you take advantage of the different ways God created people to learn.
Why Learning Styles Matter
There are basically three ways people learn: visually, auditorily, or kinesthetically (movement or touch). Effective teachers use all three of these learning modalities to increase engagement and retention. Unfortunately, typical preaching connects with auditory learners, but miss those who learn best by seeing and/or moving. However, with the right church presentation software, you will easily develop sermons that connect with all learning styles.
Use the Right Tool to Connect to Learning Styles
Risen Media, a church presentations software, provides everything a preacher needs all in one program. Do you want to increase your visual impact? Risen Media provides hundreds of creative images and graphics that can enhance sermon slides. You can create your own by using the built in Design Studio.
Do you want to use music or videos to reinforce the visual and auditory modalities? Risen Media makes the integration of music and videos easy with a large music library and a simple drag and drop video feature.
Some in your congregation need to move to learn. These kinesthetic learners learn best by taking notes or even drawing, so creating sermon slides with your main points and scripture will help these kinds of learners.
The most effective sermons and presentations include all three learning styles!
Risen Media Provides Everything You Need
The good news is that all of these learning enhancements can be done in one program – Risen Media. A pastor no longer need a program to write the sermon, another to build sermon slides, and another to find images, videos or music. Risen Media provides all of this in one place, saving time and money.
Pastors, preachers, and teachers want your congregation to remember and apply what they preach? Increase impact and elevate your presentations by integrating all the learning styles using Risen Media.